The name of the organization will be REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF MARION COUNTY
The objectives of this organization shall be:
A. To promote an informed electorate through political education.
B. To be involved in electing Republican Candidates to public office.
C. To provide training of campaign volunteers.
D. To foster loyalty to the Arkansas Federation of Republican Women and National Federation of Republican Women.
E. To foster loyalty to the Republican Party of Arkansas and National Republican Party.
F. To perform any lawful activity no inconsistent with the foregoing.
A. Membership in the REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF MARION COUNTY shall be open to any Republican women interested in becoming a Republican upon payment of annual dues. Dues to be determined by the executive committee.
1. Republican women who have primary membership in a federated local unit are eligible for associate membership in other local units upon payment of required dues. Associate members cannot hold office, vote, make motions, or be counted for the purpose of determining the number of delegates to national or state federation meeting or conventions.
2. Republican men are eligible for associate membership upon payment of required dues. Associate members cannot hold office, vote, voice or be counted for the purpose of determining the number of delegates to national or state federation meetings or conventions. All dues for associate members remain in the local club treasury.
3. This organization shall be a member of the Arkansas Federation of Republican Women and of the National Federation of Republican Women and shall do so in compliance with the requirements of these groups.
4. A member may be removed from membership for any of the following reasons.
a. Non-payment of dues
b. Failure to support the Republican Party ticket, advocating a split ticket, or supporting a candidate on an opposition ticket.
c. Failure to fulfill duties as outlined by the AFRW bylaws.
d. An individual member may not endorse a Republican primary candidate in the name of the federation or local club.
e. Upon the dissolution of the club, all assets shall be distributed to AFRW. The AFRW club charter shall be promptly returned to the AFRW President.
Each elected officer or member shall be an active member in good standing with the
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary
A. Club president shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive board. Appoint all standing chairmen. Shall have general supervision of the work of the organization. She shall represent the organization at all times or shall designate another member of the executive board in her absence or inability to do so. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, excluding the nominating committee. The President shall serve as a voting member of the AFRW Board of Directors and the Republican Party of Arkansas State Committee. The President shall have the authority to sign checks when the treasurer is unavailable.
B. The Vice Presidents, in their order, shall perform the duties of the President in her absence or inability to serve. They shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to them.
C. The Recording Secretary shall keep and present the minutes at each meeting of the organization and executive board. She shall keep a record of attendance and maintain a current membership list. She shall be custodian of all records and papers of the club. She shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to her by the president.
D. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all club funds. Collect all funds and deposit them in a bank approved by the executive committee. Keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements and report monthly. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the president. The financial books of the RWMC shall be closed on December 31st of each year and audited within thirty (30) days of January 1st by a person or persons approved by the executive committee.
Election of officers shall be held at the regular November meeting. Those elected shall take over their duties as soon as installed, (first meeting in January).
A term of office shall be two (2) years.
The executive committee shall have the authority to transact any necessary business to include, but not limited to, appointing members to office, making recommendations as to policy setting fees, and advising the president.
Standing committees shall include: Campaign, fund raising, legislation, membership, scholarship, awards and nominations.
Delegates to state and national convention may be current president or next in line of officers.
The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.
The local club membership list shall not be given to any other organization or non-member. The NFRW and AFRW does not recommend the club membership list to go to anyone outside the federation. If a candidate(s) wish a list, recommend they furnish postage, campaign material and the club will send out.
Executive board officers cannot publicly support candidates in contested Republican primary election or general primary run-off election. Individual members who are not executive board officers may support a Republican Primary candidate of their choice.
A quorum for a regular club meeting shall be 10% of the members attending as long as there are two elected officers in attendance.
Roberts Rules of order shall govern all proceedings except where inconsistent with the provisions of the bylaws of this organization.
Meeting time and place: To be announced.
Dues: Dues for the following year will be collected in December.
January 1, 2016:
State Board and club lists due at national headquarters. Include names, addresses, phone numbers, positions and emails.
February 21, 2016:
First quarter membership dues and club service charge due at national headquarters (board member's dues must be paid to NFRW in order for the board member to be seated at the board meeting in March).
May 1, 2016:
Second quarter membership dues and club service charge due at national headquarters.
August 1, 2016:
Third quarter membership dues and club service charge due at national headquarters.
November 1, 2016:
Fourth quarter membership dues and club service charge due at national headquarters.