Voter Registration Information
Due to the influx of people who have moved into Arkansas and the surrounding counties, the following may be helpful information to residents:
If you have moved to Arkansas from another state, notify the voter registrar in your previous state of residence to request cancellation. Be sure to submit a new registration application to your county clerk in Arkansas.
FAQ: If one has multiple residences in different states and spends time at both during the year, which residence should be used to determine where to register and vote?
ANSWER: This is a decision you will have to make, but you must choose only one voting location. Many factors affect residency, but in general, your residence is where your family lives, where you physically reside, the place you intend to return to live, where your driver’s license says you live, where you claim your homeowner’s property tax exemption, etc.
If you have moved from one county to another within Arkansas, you must transfer your registration to your new county of residence.
For questions about transferring your registration, or if you are a college student and have questions about your place of registration, you can contact the MARION COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE at 870-449-6226.
Or you can check online at the Arkansas Secretary of State’s web site at:
Deadlines to Apply For Absentee Ballots in Marion County
Applying by Mail/Electronically: If you submit your application by mail or by electronic means (ex: fax or email), it must arrive in the County Clerk’s Office NO LATER than 7 days before the election.
Applying in Person: If you apply in person, you must do so NO LATER than the close of business (4:30 p.m.) the Friday before the election.
Applying using a Designated Bearer: If you send your application with a third party, that person must also apply for your ballot NO LATER than the close of business the Friday before the election.
Applying using an Authorized Agent: However, if you send your application with an Authorized Agent (a third party with a signed affidavit from the administrative head of a hospital or residential/long-term care facility stating you cannot vote in person because you are a patient/resident of that facility), they have until 1:30 p.m. on election day to apply for your ballot.
For more information regarding Absentee Voting contact the Marion County Clerk’s Office or visit the Secretary of State’s website.
Absentee Ballot Application - Download